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Reflect-O-Ray Infrared Radiant Heating vs. Underfloor / Unit Heaters
Making the Smart Choice for Your Shop

When it comes to heating your building, there are various options available. Understanding how these different options work in real world settings is crucial when making the smart choice for your facility. Reflect-O-Ray Infrared Vacuum Vented Radiant Systems have proven to be the best option when compared to conventional heating such as underfloor and unit heaters, particularly in environments where doors are frequently opened and closed.


Reflect-O-Ray infrared tube heating offers rapid response times. These heaters heat objects and people directly, rather than warming the air. As a result, the warmth is almost instant when Reflect-O-Ray heaters are turned on. This is especially beneficial in spaces with frequently opening and closing doors, as it allows for quick recovery of comfort levels with even floor temperatures wall to wall.


Unlike underfloor heating and unit heaters, which heats the air in the room, Reflect-O-Ray infrared tube heaters heat objects and surfaces. When garage doors or other entrances are opened, there’s less heat loss since the system isn’t reliant on heating the air. This results in reduced energy waste and more efficient heating.  Infrared stores heat in objects and walls.


Reflect-O-Ray infrared tube heaters are excellent for providing zonal heating. This means you can focus heat on specific areas within the building. In spaces where certain zones need to be kept warmer while others remain cooler, such as workshops or retail environments, Reflect-O-Ray infrared heating can be a versatile and efficient solution.


Reflect-O-Ray infrared tube heating are more energy-efficient in buildings with frequently opened doors. Because it doesn’t rely on heating the entire volume of air, it can result in energy savings over time, reducing operating costs.


Reflect-O-Ray infrared heating provides a different kind of comfort. Rather than feeling warm air blowing, occupants experience a more even, radiant heat that warms them directly. People often find this form of heating to be more comfortable and less drafty.


Reflect-O-Ray infrared tube heaters are versatile and can be installed in various building types, including industrial facilities, garages, warehouses, barns, and even outdoor spaces. They can be suspended from ceilings, making them a flexible choice for different environments.


Reflect-O-Ray is the superior choice for spaces with frequent door openings where quick response, minimal heat loss, energy efficiency, and humidity control are crucial. Whether you’re heating a commercial space, an industrial facility, barn, or a garage, Reflect-O-Ray’s advantages make it the best option available. Its ability to provide instant even temperatures, reduce heat loss, and control humidity levels can result in cost savings and enhanced occupant comfort. When you need an effective heating solution for high-traffic doors with humidity control, Reflect-O-Ray infrared tube heating is the answer you’ve been searching for.


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